We prefer not to sell to Users of Apple computers unless they understand the following: There are lots of issues with Apple related software or third party software for Apple that create a lot of problems when printing. These problems are not experienced with all printers or users of Apple software.
If you choose to buy a printer from us and encounter problems such as inability to print PDF's, problems when printing PDF's such as incorrectly formatted documents, inability to print when pictures are included, etc etc etc, you will need to call an Apple Qualified Technician to correct any software conflicts between Apple and Third Party softwares. We will not pay to correct any deficiencies or problems with your Apple computer or related softwares. Some problems with PDF printing can be dealt with by saving your pdf to your desktop and then saving it to a thumb drive. The thumb drive can then be inserted into printers that accept thumb drives, and printed that way.
The warranty provided with each printer sold by us applies ONLY to actual printer failures. We do not issue refunds on any printer as we do not guarantee them to suit any particular application or software needs. The only guarantee we make is that they will perform to manufacturer specifications. Our warranty only covers parts and labor necessary to repair in the event of part failures. That warranty is for a period of one year. It is on site. On site is defined as the original location that the printer was delivered to. No exceptions.